How Does Mental Health Affect Teens and Children?
We’re in the middle of a pediatric mental health crisis – and parents need to act now. Over the past few years, not only has Covid decimated masses of people but it’s also locked us into ourselves, hindered social contacts, and driven parents out of employment and kids out
of school. The effects have been colossal. And one of those effects is that we’re seeing
worrying amounts of depression and angst in our teens and kids.
If you think your child or teen is experiencing mental health issues, don’t despair. There are
loads of ways that you, as a parent, can help.
A Kid or Teenager’s Mental Health Is Just as Critical as Physical Health
If your kid or teen has a relentless cough or infection, you react straightaway, right? You
listen and ask for help.
However, if they appear upset or tetchy, or less enthusiastic about activities they previously
loved, you may just think it’s a phase. Or child or teen anxiety – if not something else you
can overlook.
Mental health issues in teens and kids are real. If left untreated, these issues can interrupt
socialization, self-confidence, education, and other crucial parts of child development that
can lead to permanent ramifications.
Mental Health Issues in Kids and Teens and How You Can Help
If your youth or child shows signs of depression or anxiety, call your doctor – avoid delay.
And should they talk about harming themselves or others, seek help straightaway – head
to your local emergency room, as it’s better to overreact than underreact.
1. Ensure They Have Breathing Space
Everyone needs chill-out time, especially children and teens. Make sure they aren’t attending too many activities or events and that there’s plenty of time to do the things they love.
2. Provide a Safe Space to Talk
It’s all too easy not to talk to your kids and teens. So, be sure to have regular times to ask questions that allow them to give a free-form answer and listen to them, whether you do so over a family dinner, games evening, chatting on the way to college, or just checking in with them before bed.
3. Foster Healthy Social Media Habits
These days, youngsters love being on their smartphones and other devices. While it’s great for them to communicate with their friends, it can also lead to mental health problems. Chat to your teen or kid about how they use social media.
4. Make Sure They’re Sleeping Well and Exercising
Exercise and sleep are paramount for a healthy state of mind. So, be sure your youngsters
are getting the sleep they need plus the right amount of exercise – even just short bursts of
physical activity can reduce anxiety.
The Takeaway
As outlined above, there are numerous ways you can help your kid or teen achieve good
mental health. At EAT Sports Foundation, we want to educate kids and teens to be the best
they can be, so if you’re worried about your youngster’s emotional and mental health, our
sports program will enable them to navigate both the court and the real world.